View patient data comfortably from your office

EyeSuite network

Effective patient education

EyeSuite network

Use your EyeSuite data for patient education by showing the patient their data on a large monitor in your office. Show them their disease progression and your treatment plans. Engage them in a discussion about their disease to foster patient compliance.

Store your data centrally

EyeSuite network

Store your data on a secure location in your network and access it from anywhere you want. Relax knowing that your valuable patient data is just a click away.

More than just a pre-defined printout

EyeSuite network

With an EyeSuite network, you don't just get a pre-defined printout in your patient file but full interactive data. Freely choose which files to include in your perimetry trend analysis, manipulate and save your images for better views on relevant structures, and plan your cataract surgery with the cataract planning software.