Sustainability: a global challenge

We use four pillars to drive our sustainability goals

The Haag-Streit Group recognizes it has a responsibility to help society meet its current human, social, economic, and environmental needs without compromising future generations. We strive to embed a sustainable mindset within each Haag-Streit employee, regardless of where they are in the world. Our strategic decisions and day-to-day activities are supported by four pillars: climate & energy, employees, products & services, and society & value creation.

Sustainability strategy of Metall Zug Group

We implement our strategic pillars of sustainability in all areas

Haag-Streit's dedicated sustainability team coordinates and monitors the implementation of its sustainability strategy. The team works closely with management and employees and is committed to ensuring sustainability is integral to the Group. Haag-Streit has regular, transparent, and open communication regarding its sustainability activities.

Climate and energy

Optimized lighting

Haag-Streit's headquarters in Köniz recently replaced over 330 meters / 984 feet of light rails (approx. 300 fluorescent tubes) with 153 modern LED lamps. As a result, we save around 26,500 kWh of electricity per year and create a significantly more energy-efficient and pleasant workplace. Such optimizations are regularly initiated in all our locations worldwide.

Reduced packaging waste

In order to reduce packaging waste, we have introduced a system of returnable packaging together with a supplier from Germany. The supplier delivers assemblies in sets using returnable packaging. Inlays are then redistributed onto a kanban rack and fed to assembly at the given time. The empty packs are folded and returned to the supplier on the next journey back, which also saves on packaging costs.

Improved recycling

Haag-Streit Group operates an effective manufacturing recycling process to ensure that the optimum amount of raw and waste materials are reused or recycled. While this has the most impact on our Group recycling program, we have launched a recycling and food waste initiative for all staff to improve material separation in offices and break rooms to reduce further the amount of waste going to landfill.

Solvent distillation systems

By using solvent distillation systems, we can save a large proportion of solvents in manufacturing our products and reduce water pollution. In addition, such systems also significantly reduce emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and reduce our CO2 footprint.

We use a distillery plant for solvents at our Köniz manufacturing site, which has enabled us to reduce the consumption of solvents by around 70%.

The plant's distillation apparatus permits the recovery and reuse of solvents used for cleaning and degreasing in our paint shop. By applying the simple principle of distillation, contaminants (resins, pigments, paints, inks, oils, etc.) can be separated from the solvent, which is collected in a container for subsequent reuse. This distillation process can be repeated any number of times.

Environmentally friendly cleaning agents

We are making a significant contribution to reducing water pollution by converting the liquids and sprays used within our domestic services to environmentally friendly alternatives, and training the employees in the use of these cleaning agents.


Dialogue replaces evaluation & strict KPIs

Our sustainability strategy extends to keeping employees motivated to develop effective and fulfilling careers within the company. Haag-Streit relies on dialogue, rather than rigid assessments, and approaches these in a targeted manner to identify an individual's potential development and goals.

The employee's strengths and targets are openly discussed within this collaborative working environment, and the corresponding development steps are initiated. We encourage our employees to develop within the company, fostering motivation and skills sharing. 

Mobility bonus

Haag-Streit employees who travel to work by bicycle, e-bike, or public transport are rewarded with a mobility bonus. The subsidization of bicycles and e-bikes reduces the number of cars on roads, playing a pivotal role in lowering air and noise pollution levels and thus protecting the environment. It also contributes to improving fitness and general well-being.

Employees traveling by public transport receive this bonus through “rail checks” or discounts from local or regional transport companies, resulting in cheaper ticket prices, enabling them to reduce the cost of their journey.

Awareness campaigns & workshops

We conduct awareness campaigns and workshops several times a year on important topics such as well-being, dealing with stress, increasing fitness, healthy nutrition, accident prevention, and other vital issues accompanied by corresponding supporting activities.

Employee satisfaction survey

In order to continuously develop our organization, it’s important to know what our staff are thinking. That’s why we check in regularly, using surveys to gain objective feedback that we can use to continuously improve our working environment for the benefit of all employees.

Products & services

Longer life expectancy

Raw materials are a limited resource that we need to handle with care. If the lifetime of a precision medical instrument can be extended, waste is avoided, and the number of newly produced instruments can be reduced. This protects the environment and resources at the same time. We make every effort to ensure that spare parts are available for as long as possible to prolong the life of any repaired device.

A longer life for our slit lamps

That’s why we set a good example and have been offering a 10 Year Limited Warranty on all our slit lamps for several years. This covers all parts of the slit lamp against manufacturing defects, with all defective part(s) replaced free of charge. With over 100,000 slit lamps sold worldwide, it’s just one way we’re making a change for the better.

Society & value creation

Evaluation of suppliers

Operating all around the globe, we recognize that we have an important role to play in reducing carbon emissions—not just within our supply chains, but across the communities in which we live and work. We have created a screening framework aligned with our sustainable objectives to manage and reduce our environmental impact wherever possible. For example, demanding more visibility from our suppliers, and screening new additions across our supply chain for their responsible and ethical credentials.