Exclusive Wellness exam

For better overall eye health

Wellness exam

Grow your practice

Wellness offers a new revenue stream to offset the cost of your SD-OCT, whilst giving you valuable information to aid in early diagnosis of ocular disease. Wellness gives you the opportunity to grow your practice with one fast and simple scan, whilst offering state-of-the-art technology and enhanced patient education.

Quick & easy OCT scan

A streamlined process

Wellness is a quick and easy SD-OCT scan that provides single reports which display retinal and GCC thickness, with normative comparison and symmetry analysis. These include; high-resolution B-scans, exclusive GCC metrics, FLV% and GLV%. The reports provide important information to aid in the diagnosis and management of glaucoma.

Wellness report

Valuable clinical information

In one simple scan the Wellness report offers a retinal thickness map which uncovers thinning and thickening, FLV and GLV. These are valuable data points to aid in the prevention of visual field conversion in glaucoma suspects. The software also provides a GCC map which uncovers GCC thinning.