High-fidelity phacoemulsification simulations

Continuous improvement – for all levels of surgical experience

Through an extended range of high-fidelity phacoemulsification simulations, surgeons can prepare for increasingly challenging surgical situations. 

Visualization is taken to the next level, as demonstrated by this video, which depicts the real-life surgical procedure on the left, and its simulated equivalent on the right.

A comprehensive phacoemulsification curriculum, complemented by enhanced guided learning, provides greater opportunities for autonomous training. As a result, the Eyesi Surgical not only allows resident surgeons – before and during their first cases – to progress more quickly, but also empowers more experienced peers to increase their surgical toolkit, refine their skills, and learn the management of complications and complex cases.



Variable characteristics

More real-world scenarios

New features reproduce characteristics of various pathological conditions, presenting a variety of cataract scenarios. These simulations reproduce a spectrum of characteristics encountered in medical practice, such as zonulopathy, rhexes of different sizes, several degrees of nuclear density, incomplete hydrodissection, and myopic eyes. These new and reworked simulations include phaco divide & conquer, stop & chop, vertical and horizontal chopping, and irrigation & aspiration (I&A). 

By presenting a random combination of characteristics, both trainee and experienced surgeon are challenged to apply the skills learned in previous simulations – and learn to think critically in real-life scenarios.

Lens removal

A fluid training experience

Many surgical complications occur during the removal of the lens and cortex. A new training module allows trainees to practice phaco with irrigation & aspiration (I&A) in one task, providing flexibility during the lens fracturing aspect before moving to the cortex removal exercise. Chopping, divide & conquer or combined techniques can be used "ad lib"; users also have free choice over which instruments to use. 

The result: a more fluid training experience, which allows trainees to move seamlessly between techniques. This builds confidence, expertise, and speed during real-life procedures, reducing the likelihood of complications.

Autonomous learning

Enhanced visual cues guide the way

Guiding elements within the phaco divide & conquer and phaco chopping tasks bring trainees from basic to competent, providing responsive information on their training performance and tips for improving their skills. 

For example, the new visual elements guide trainees to the phaco tip's correct position; to understand adequate vacuum level applied to the nucleus during horizontal and vertical chopping; how to perform a stop-and-chop technique; and the direction and depth of the lens trench. These visual cues significantly enhance the simulator's capabilities for autonomous training, providing guidance and feedback in a more intuitive way – while reducing strain on teaching resources.  

Unparalleled realism

Enhanced microscopic visualization

The Eyesi Surgical Simulator takes visualization to the next level, delivering significantly improved depth perception, realistic zoom, and depth of field, reproducing with great accuracy the behavior of tissue and fluidics in different surgical scenarios.

The improved visualization of the microscope view brings essential visual context to the training process.

By providing this realistic visualization of relevant eye structures and their behavior during surgery, users can confidently transfer their learned skills to the OR.

Online medical courses

Informing the vitreoretinal journey

The VRmNet part of the Eyesi Surgical Simulator contains a wealth of online information to support trainees at every step of their learning. 

These courses provide a theoretical framework for procedures, along with specific instructions on how to perform each step. Through modern, intuitive training materials, trainees and more experienced peers can locate and refresh their knowledge on many relevant topics: from pars plana vitrectomy and its use in various pathologies; to the performance and use of vitreous substitutes and tamponades; and much more.