Operated like a real slit lamp

Lifelike training environment

Microscope and illumination arm

Precise mechanics and optics

Eyesi Slit Lamp comes with a microscope featuring mechanical and optical systems from Haag-Streit. With its two high-definition displays, the microscope offers a precise stereo visualization of the virtual slit lamp examination. Built-in sensors detect the slightest movement of the microscope and illumination arm and the position of the slit lamp controls. Trainees learn to use appropriate illumination techniques, such as direct focal illumination, retroillumination, sclerotic scatter, or the Van Herick technique.

Fundoscopy lens

Retinal examinations

Trainees can practice examinations of the posterior segment using a 90D ophthalmoscopy lens mimic in combination with a patient model head. For the visualization of the retina, they need to insert the 90D lens into the virtual slit beam and then move it slowly towards the patient model eye until they see a focused image through the slit lamp microscope.

Gonioscopy lens

Chamber angle examinations

For examinations of the anterior chamber angle, an indirect gonioscopy lens mimic is available. To examine the angle structures, trainees must position the lens mimic on the eye of the patient model head. The Eyesi Slit Lamp training system detects the exact position and angle of the gonioscopy lens and visualizes the chamber angle accordingly.

Examination settings

Patients’ eyes

On the Eyesi Slit Lamp touch screen interface, trainees can control the examination settings. A diffusor can be activated for observation under diffuse illumination, fluorescein can be applied, and the eyes may be dilated to facilitate lens or retinal examinations. The virtual patients can be set to keep their eyes closed, blink or stop blinking, fix their gaze, or look in a specific direction. Trainees can evert the patient’s eyelids by touching corresponding sensor fields on the patient model head.